Bookhardt Botanicals recently relocated to Albuquerque, NM! What are the implications of this major change to the nursery? I'm not completely sure yet.
On April 4th, I packed my car with my favorite Sarracenia, Flytraps, and Nepenthes, and made the drive down through California, then across Arizona to New Mexico. The "car"nivorous plants fared very well during the drive. Many Sarracenia are pushing up new growth and flowers, anticipating the desert sun.
Now that the plants and myself have arrived safely, there is a new set of challenges to growing these plants in the desert. Unlike Portland, tap water is hard here (120PPM), there is no humidity, and major temperature fluctuations are frequent. A benefit will be the consistent bright sunlight, which was always a problem for me growing in Oregon.
It will take time for the plants to settle in and for me to dial in the optimal growing conditions here. While I work with these new constraints, do not expect many new plant sales (hopefully you picked up some good stuff this Spring!). Thanks for your understanding, and if you live in the area please feel free to reach out!
Happy Growing.
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